SEL AM CAN CH Joelle's Alvin of Norberge OFA TC CD ROM (Jakster ex Edie)

CH Winsome's Beara Wang TC (Bailey ex Arrivabearchi)

Norberge's GI Joe of Clayfield OFA TC HIT 3 Mgrs (Army ex Vera)

Dogs of our Past or Retired...

So many years with this incredible breed has given me such a sense of pride, yet humbling.  What has been just as rewarding are the people I have met and the friends I have made over the years, whether in competition, working or the families that wanted a quality companion dog. This has truly been an incredible journey.  Below are just some of the dogs I have breed or have been involved with.  Each one of these animals has a part of my heart whether they are still with me or have gone ahead and waiting for me.  Thank you for taking the time to allow me to share with you the legacy of Norberge German Shepherds.

CH Norberge's Katarina of Ken-Delaine (Mastercharge ex Betzi Jo)


CH Norberge's Venetta Joelle OFA HIT TC  (Red October ex Edie)


CH Norberge's Allegro Vivache OFA(Matercharge ex Ammi)


AM/CANCH Norberge's My Impatience (FV MV Eclispe ex Ammi)

CH Fran-Jo's Lexus of Norberge ROM

(FV MV Eclipse ex Ammi)


CH Norberge's Sparkles Plenty (Vinnie ex Venetta)


CH Kenlyn's Vindicator V TR OFA HIT TC


AKC Breeder of Merit

Norberge's GI Joe of Clayfield OFA TC HIT 3 Mgrs (Army ex Vera)

(CAN GVSEL CH Kenlyn's Jag of Fran-Jo ex TR's ROM ROMC Pandora V Kenlyn ROM)

Norberge's Sophia Loren of Von Nassau.

Norberge's Charge Him to Me OFA HIT TC (Mastercharge ex Betzi-Jo)


CH Norberge's Lovey of Von Nassau

BOM Norberge'sSkotataskia Lukos OFA HIT CD TC CGC (Mastercharge ex Hilda) 

CH RBIM Norberge's Celeste of Von Nassau OFA

Grandson) Jag ex Pandora

CH Kenlyn's Vindicator V TR OFA HIT CGC (Lexus

CH Fran-Jo Peaches of Gonvi OFA TC HIT (Smooth-Opa-Raider ex Lexus)

CH BIM Von Nassau Snuggles of Norberge OFA

GV SEL CH Norberge's Razzle Rosarita of Clayfield